(Onsite or Public Venue)
RCM2 Introductory Course - The Aladon Network This course provides a comprehensive introduction to RCM2 and its principles. It is intended for those who are interested in understanding what RCM2 is and how it can be applied to defi ne technically based maintenance and reliability programs. The application of RCM2 challenges the traditional approach to equipment maintenance by moving you from a breakdown and repair mentality to a culture of asset management. Not only does it revolutionize views about maintenance but also about how maintenance, operations and engineering should work together to drive asset performance. RCM2 leads to a far broader and deeper understanding of the organization’s assets and provides a structured way to formally capture and transfer that knowledge to the rest of the asset stakeholders. This introduction to RCM2 redefi nes your understanding of maintenance management and will completely transform the way that maintenance and operations people view the development of maintenance programs and their roles and responsibilities in that process. This course applies best practices in answering the seven questions of RCM2 using a real life, case study approach. The participants will explore the techniques required to defi ne a maintenance program in a logical and structured way that recognizes the hidden, safety, environmental and operating consequences of failure.
Contact us if you would like to take our Public Course or use form on right to contact us to bring on site.
Who should attend:
Plant managers, engineering management, engineers, maintenance managers and supervisors, operations managers and supervisors, materials and storeroom managers, maintenance planner schedulers, technicians, operators, and purchasers.
Have you considered ...
Recognize that in some ways RCM2 Analysis or PM Optimization efforts are the easy part. In reality, the harder part is IMPLEMENTING the findings into the CMMS and work execution management systems. These are foundational and if not effective, the output of an analysis becomes ineffective too.
Consider Planning and Scheduling coaching to ensure a solid foundation.
Contact us to learn more
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